
Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)

Examinations and prevention at Hospitals for victims of sexual abuse (IN JAPAN)

It is important for victims of sexual violence to know where they can get support, what kind of medical tests are performed at hospitals, and what preventive measures are available. Here, we look at how to respond in Japan.
Small talk

Percentage of sexual violence cases not prosecuted in Japan

Eco and Nico talk about the news of the sexual assault verdict in Japan.

Child poverty in Japan (2): Health issues

Here, we break down the health problems of children in poverty into physical, mental, and behavioural habits. We also talk about the Life Course Approach that shows how childhood poverty affects health status to adulthood, and about free or low-cost medical services in Japan.

Child poverty in Japan (1): Gender wage gap in the background

Just like in other countries, there are children in Japan who suffer from poverty. Here, we talk about the definition of poverty, the current situation of child poverty in Japan, and one of the causes of it, the income disparity between men and women.
Policy and law

Everyone can access basic health care (2): the Japanese health insurance system

This article explains the Japanese health insurance system, including the concept, the medical expenses by individuals, and the distinctive service.