Migrant and refugee

Age-unknown migrant children (2): Importance of a child being recognized as a child

Here, we talk about why being recognized as a child is important for a child and why age assessment needs to be conducted in a safe environment for children, seeing actual cases that have happened to migrant children. Let's learn about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Re-traumatization.
Migrant and refugee

Age-unknown migrant children(1): How to determine the age without ID?

Some migrant children do not have identification documents. We take a look at the UK data to see how many such children there are. Also, our talk focuses on the X-ray examination and bone age, the limitations of X-ray examinations, and how to determine age when there are no documents to prove age.
Health care and security

Are hospitals safe in the conflict?

It summarizes the current situation of attacks on Health care, their impact on medical services, and what International Humanitarian Law says about the protection of Health care in conflict areas.

Woman cannot receive health care?

I am a 25-year-old pregnant woman, living in a small village in the mountain area in Pakistan. I have an abnormal bleedi...

Refugee status recognition…and how about the life after?

I am a 15-year-old boy.I came to France from Syria 5 years ago, together with my mother and brothers. We were recognised...
Policy and law

Everyone can access basic health care (2): the Japanese health insurance system

This article explains the Japanese health insurance system, including the concept, the medical expenses by individuals, and the distinctive service.
Policy and law

Everyone can access basic health care (1): Universal Health Coverage

We talk about the definition and the global situation of Universal Health Coverage, and the conditions to achieve "everyone can access basic health care" by using illustrations.
Migrant and refugee

Unaccompanied minors (UAMs) and health issues in Europe

Unaccompanied minors are migrant children who travel across countries without parents. We talk about the current situation of those migrant children in Europe, including the population, the countries of origin, the common health issues, and the health policies.
Policy and law

What is the Right to Health?

Regarding the Right to Health, we explain its meaning, the international agreements, and the Japanese constitution.