
Do you know about the Right to Health?

Does everyone in your country have health insurance?
Can everyone in your country receive medication whenever they are sick?

People in some countries still cannot have health insurance because they do not have enough money. Without health insurance, it isn’t easy to pay for health care services.
Some countries lack medicines and vaccines due to poor economies. In this case, you cannot get medicine in a pharmacy even after seeing a doctor.

This website is written by a medical doctor who worked for medical humanitarian and public health activities in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, to advocate the “Right to Health” to young people who rarely have access to such topics.
With the assistant dog and cat, we talk about Health Inequity and Inequality in access to health care, with a wide range of topics from the policy to the real situation in the field.

Some topics look difficult, but they are written in simple sentences that help the younger generation to understand.
